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Showing posts from October, 2018

Problems using PIR sensor?? Always HIGH? DELAY? Solution is here.

PIR sensor When I was working on a project "controlling home appliances using just a wave of hand" I had used a PIR sensor and found some issues: PIR doesn't work properly when starts. PIR output value is always 1. It some times doesn't read motions. Now those are three Common and Unavoidable problems of a PIR sensor. So what would we do? I assume you know what a PIR sensor is and I'll just try to give a solution to the problems so that you can use PIR in your project efficiently, also I've added a code below on how to solve that problem. As I have mentioned earlier those are Common and Unavoidable,  keep 3 issues in mind: After powering - PIR sensor needs 1 minute to function For that 1 minute the OUTPUT is always HIGH. When a motion is detected it'll take 5 to 7 seconds to detect motion again. SOLUTION: After powering - PIR sensor needs 1 minute to function:  which means when you'll power a PIR sensor it wi