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Showing posts from October, 2019

MIA-1, Open Source Hand made Humanoid Robot!!

Hi everyone, today I'll be showing how I made the robot MIA-1, which is not only Advanced and unique but also Open source and can be made without 3D printing!! Yes, you got it, this robot is completely hand made. And open source means - you get the codes and every details for free , you too can make this robot if you wish to. Bonus: You can download MIA-1's circuit and details!! The link is at the end of this tutorial. Here we see only her speech, but there's many more things she can do! Here are the things she can do: Can listen and talk back to you Can see and recognize you using her left eye's camera can detect motion and capture photo has a GUI with touch screen LCD to command her shows images on her lcd download images and shows on her screen can target things using a laser pointer on her right hand moves hands while talking Stands on her feet without any help of others She can also bow (watch the video)