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Showing posts from March, 2021

Arduino Voice Controlled Robot!

  Robots are cool. To have a robot that can move around listening to your voice commands is more cool. To make such a Speech or Voice controlled robot with Arduino is more more and more cool. Because Arduino's are cheap and easy to tweak. Let's start making, you can also watch the video tutorial. Step 1: Parts Needed The robot is based on PCB. A PCB I designed to use in different robots. Let's see what other components I used - Electronics: Arduino Nano - 1x L298n Motor Driver module - 1x Hc05 Bluetooth module - 1x DC motor and compatible wheel - 2x Multifunctional Robot PCB - 1x ( link ) Some male and female headers To Make Body: PVC Sheet Hot Glue Gun Software: Arduino.ide An App that I made That's it, now we are good to go. Step 2: Principle: How Will It Work? It's always good to have a clear understanding of what you're going to do before starting to actually messing things. May be you don't mess, but I do. So, Arduino is a mini computer or say, microcon